Steve’s Coffee House – Охрид

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Steve’s Coffee House – Охрид

Детали за ресторанот
  • Бесплатен Wi-Fi
  • Локација: Охрид

Првиот и единствен coffee-house – во склоп на хотелот Royal View лоциран во срцето на Охрид покрај заливот!

Работно време

Понеделник – сабота: 08:00 – 23:30

Недела: 12:00 – 23:30


  • Бесплатно Wi-Fi
  • Бар
  • Безалкохолни и алкохолни пијалоци
  • Кафе

Активност 1Бар

Enjoy an orientation walk of Zurich’s OLD TOWN, Switzerland’s center of banking and commerce. Then, leave Zurich and start your Swiss adventure. You’ll quickly discover that Switzerland isn’t just home to the Alps, but also to some of the most beautiful lakes. First, stop at the foot of the Jura Mountains in the picturesque town of Biel, known as Bienne by French-speaking Swiss, famous for watch-making, and explore the historical center. Next, enjoy a scenic drive to lakeside Neuchâtel, dominated by the medieval cathedral and castle. Time to stroll along the lake promenade before continuing to stunning Geneva, the second-largest city in Switzerland, with its fantastic lakeside location and breathtaking panoramas of the Alps.

Активност 2Безалкохолни и алкохолни пијалоци
